Category: Conversion

Conversion webpage

High-flux Isobutanol Production using Engineered Escherichia coli: A Bioreactor Study with in situ Product Removal

Promising approaches to produce higher alcohols, e.g., isobutanol, using Escherichia coli have been developed with successful results. This research translates the isobutanol process from shake flasks to a 1-L bioreactor in order to characterize three E. coli strains.
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“Gevo Produces Isobutanol, Hydrocarbons and Renewable Jet Fuel from Cellulosic Biomass

Gevo, a privately held renewable chemicals and advanced biofuels company, has successfully produced isobutanol from fermentable sugars derived from cellulosic biomass. The company also successfully converted the cellulosic isobutanol into isobutylene and paraffinic kerosene (jet fuel).
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