Research comparing and contrasting corn-based and cellulosic ethanol and its feasibility. Follow this link to learn more:
Category: Supply Chain
Supply Chain page
Efficiency of Wood Procurement Systems of Small-diameter Scots Pine Based on the Wood Paying Capability of a Kraft Pulp Mill
Research evaluating the effeciency of three supply systems of Scots pine; presented at the 4th Forest Engineering Conferece, 2011. Follow this link to learn more:
CVal: A Spreadsheet Tool to Evaluate the Direct Benefits and Costs of Carbon Sequestration Contracts for Managed Forests.
This documentation is meant to accompany CVal, a downloadable spreadsheet tool. CVal was constructed for foresters, other land management advisors, landowners, and carbon credit aggregators to evaluate the direct benefits and costs of entering into contracts for carbon sequestered in managed forests and forest plantations. Follow this link to learn more:
Renewable Energy Sources in the United States
Explanations of the major renewable energy sources in the United States. Follow this link to learn more:
How Do We Convert the Transport Sector to Renewable Energy and Improve the Sector’s Interplay with the Energy System?
A background paper for the workshop on transport, renewable energy in the transport sector and planning, Technical University of Denmark, 17 – 18 March 2009. This paper asks important questions about the sustainability of the transport sector, how aviation and marine transport may have to change, and the potential for alternative bioenergies. Follow this link to learn more: