A set of lesson plans, videos and activites from federal agencies about energy literacy. Follow this link to learn more: http://free.ed.gov/subjects.cfm?subject_id=249&toplvl=56&res_feature_request=1
Category: Conversion
Conversion webpage
Food, Conservation, and Energy Act of 2008 (Farm Bill)
US Act to provide support for agriculture, biofuel, and forestry Follow this link to learn more: http://www.gpo.gov/fdsys/pkg/PLAW-110publ234/content-detail.html
Biofuels in Developing Countries: Are Comparative Advantages Enough?
This paper investigates the role of comparative advantage on biofuel policy adoption. Follow this link to learn more: http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0301421512000262
National Energy Education Devleopment Project
NEED works with energy companies, agencies, and organizations to bring balanced energy programs to the nation’s schools with a focus on strong teacher professional development, timely and balanced curriculum materials, signature program capabilities and turn-key program management. Follow this link to learn more: http://need.org/
Biofuels: Ethical Issues
Concerns over energy security, economic development and climate change are driving the development of biofuels. This report sets out an ethical framework to guide policy-making for both current and future biofuels. View research summaries and download the report (.pdf) Follow this link to learn more: http://www.nuffieldbioethics.org/biofuels-0
USDA Renewable Energy Investments and Renewable Energy Resources Map
Interactive maps comparing grasslands, petroleum blending terminals, investments, poverty rates and population density. Follow this link to learn more: http://www.usda.gov/energy/maps/maps.htm
Chapter 13: International Trade of Biofuels: Current Trends and the Potential Role of Africa
Scholarly book on biofuels in Africa; Chapter 13 assesses the international trade of biofuels and the challenges specifically for African countries. Follow this link to learn more: http://www.springerlink.com/content/x8q0x21767k84380/
USFS Woody Biomass Market Development Page
Links and information about the woody biomass utilization markets. Follow this link to learn more: http://www.fs.fed.us/woodybiomass/strategy/markets.shtml
Advances in Adapting the fleet to Alternative Fuel Use (Boeing, presentation to the Transportation Research Board)
A presentation from Dave Daggett, Technology Leader of Energy & Emissions at Boeing, on adapting commercial aviation fleets to utilize alternative fuels. Follow this link to learn more: http://www.trbav030.org/pdf2008/TRB08_Daggett.pdf
Understanding Today’s Crude Oil and Product Markets
American consumers have found themselves facing higher prices for gasoline, heating oil, and other petroleum products. The question policy makers, as well as consumers, seek to answer is: Why? Follow this link to learn more: http://heartland.org/policy-documents/understanding-todays-crude-oil-and-product-markets