In an effort to replace petroleum, technologies to synthesize liquid fuels and other commodities from renewable biomass are being developed. Current technologies, however, only use a portion of plant biomass feedstocks for fuel and useful products. “Using the whole feedstock buffalo” or optimally using all portions and biochemicals present in renewable biomass will enhance the economic and environmental feasibility of biofuels and coproducts. Follow this link to learn more:
Category: Conversion
Conversion webpage
Cleaner Production Alternatives: Biomass Utilisation Options
This report compares the energy production capability of bioethanol production from corn and direct utilisation alternatives, such as cellulosic bioethanol production. Follow this link to learn more:
2012 Timeline of the Farm Bill
Information, explanations, and general history of the USDA Farm Bill Follow this link to learn more:
Jatropha curcas, a promising crop for the generation of biodiesel and value-added coproducts
The review highlights the specific features of the Jatropha curcas plant and its potential for the production of biofuel, protein concentrates as livestock feed and value-added products that could enhance the economic viability of Jatropha seed oil-based biodiesel production. The roles of the plant in carbon capture, enhancing socio-economic conditions, food production in the tropical regions, and influencing micro-climate, vegetation and soil quality are discussed. The paper also gives a comparative account of the toxic and non-toxic genotypes of J. curcas from the point of view of their physical and chemical properties and their potential for biodiesel and livestock feed production. Future areas of research are also presented. Follow this link to learn more:
Cellulosic Biofuels — Got Gasoline?
A perspective article examining liquid biofuels beyond ethanol. Follow this link to learn more:
Conversion of Proteins into Biofuels by Engineering Nitrogen Flux
Research showing the possibility of utilizing proteins in the production of biohydrocarbons. Follow this link to learn more:
Biofuels and Biomass-To-Liquid Fuels in the Biorefinery: Catalytic Conversion of Lignocellulosic Biomass using Porous Materials
A research article examining the utilization of porous materials as catalysts of biomass-based fuels as well as its uses and mechanics Follow this link to learn more: