Author: william.herring

Bio-energy policies in a global context

This paper analyzes the global impact of bio-energy policies on biomass production and trade, paying particular attention to sustainable development in the bio-energy sector. It examines how a possible reduction and elimination of trade barriers as well as a phasing out of trade distorting support measures would contribute to the development of a global sustainable bio-energy market.
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Experimental Studies on the Combustion Characteristics of Alternative Jet Fuels

Conventional Jet-A and six alternative jet fuels, including three Fischer–Tropsch “Synthetic Paraffinic Kerosene” fuels and three “Hydrotreated Renewable Jet” fuels, have been experimentally investigated to obtain their fundamental combustion characteristics in terms of Derived Cetane Number, autoignition response, laminar flame speed, and extinction stretch rate for premixed combustion.
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