The genomes of two cellulase-producing fungi are compared to see if similarities and differences will elucidate enzyme properties that can be used for biofuel pretreatment. Follow this link to learn more:
Category: Pretreatment
pretreatment webpage
Challenges on the Road to Biofuels
What are some common problems in the lignocellulose-based ethanol production line? This review highlights some of the concerns for present and future technologies. Follow this link to learn more:
Water-based Woody Biorefinery
This study discusses the three elements of a wood-based biorefinery, as proposed by the SUNY College of Environmental Science and Forestry (ESF): hot-water extraction, hydrolysis, and membrane separation/concentration. Follow this link to learn more:
Acid in Ionic Liquid: An Efficient System for Hydrolysis of Lignocellulose
Research discussing the use of acid in ionic liquid to hydrolyze lignocellulosic materials. Follow this link to learn more:
Overcoming Plant Recalcitrance: Supercomputers Tackle Biofuel Production Problems
Plant cell wall recalcitrance is one of the greatest hurdles in biofuel production. SciDAC is utilizing molecular biology and computer modeling to try to figure out how to minimize recalcitrance. Follow this link to learn more:
Teaching a microbe to make fuel
A genetically modified organism could turn carbon dioxide or waste products into a gasoline-compatible transportation fuel. Follow this link to learn more:
Tracking dynamics of Plant Biomass Composting by Changes in Substrate Structure, Microbial Community, and Enzyme Activity
How easy is it to break down plant cells? This research tests various environmental conditions to find out how to break down cellulose and lignin efficiently. Follow this link to learn more:
“Genome, Transcriptome, and Secretome Analysis of Wood Decay Fungus Postia placenta Supports Unique Mechanisms of Lignocellulose Conversion
Research on brown-rot fungus to determine potential catalysts for lignin depolymerization. Follow this link to learn more:
First Wood-Digesting Enzyme Found in Bacteria Could Boost Biofuel Production
The first bacteria-produced lignin-degrading enzyme has been isolated from a soil bacterium that is related to plant pathogens. Follow this link to learn more:
Mutated plants may be better for biofuels
Mutations in cell walls may lead to reduced cellulose recalcitrance. Follow this link to learn more: