Elementary mode (EM) analysis based on the constraint-based metabolic network modeling was applied to elucidate and compare complex fermentative metabolisms of Escherichia coli for obligate anaerobic production of n-butanol and isobutanol. Follow this link to learn more: http://www.springerlink.com/content/9452875262w01r5m
Category: General
Agriculture-Based Biofuels: Overview and Emerging Issues
What are the issues surrounding the US biofuels industry? Find out about taxes, tariffs, incentives, and regulations on biofuels that the US government has enacted. Follow this link to learn more: http://www.fas.org/sgp/crs/misc/R41282.pdf
Engineering a Metabolic Pathway for Isobutanol Biosynthesis in Bacillus subtilis
In this research article, an isobutanol biosynthesis pathway was designed in Bacillus subtilis, a notable solvent-tolerant host. Follow this link to learn more: http://www.springerlink.com/content/b5016m1674505722/
Criteria for a Sustainable Bioenergy Infrastructure and Lifecycle
Measures and suggestions for the biofuel market on sustainability and socioeconomic acceptability. Follow this link to learn more: http://www.springerlink.com/content/p3m5127534463281/
Biofuels from Lignocellulosic Biomass
Current challenges in biofuels research. Follow this link to learn more: http://www.springerlink.com/content/q25u138810u51527/
Biofuels and Agriculture: A Past Perspective and Uncertain Future
A review article that explores the history of the linkages between energy and agriculture, specifically the US corn ethanol program and the cellulosic biofuels. Follow this link to learn more: http://www.tandfonline.com/doi/abs/10.1080/13504509.2012.691432
Teachers Try Science: Which plants are good for bioenergy production?
A lesson and experiment plan for middle school grades to determine which kinds of plants would be useful for bioenergy production. Suggested grades: For late elementary and middle-school teachers Follow this link to learn more: http://www.teacherstryscience.org/lp/biofuels
Kids Saving Energy
Games and information for kids about reducing energy use Follow this link to learn more: http://www1.eere.energy.gov/kids/index.html
Bioethanol: Science and technology of Fuel Alcohol
A free downloadable textbook about bioethanol and its production. Follow this link to learn more: http://bookboon.com/en/textbooks/chemistry-chemical-engineering/bioethanol-science-and-technology-of-fuel-alcohol
Wood Science 101(3) – Lignin
You’d be hard pressed to find a material more universally researched right now than lignin. It’s the second most abundant organic polymer on earth, behind cellulose. It’s what makes trees stand upright, what makes wood hold its shape, and what makes furniture support your weight when you sit on it. Lignin is everywhere in the biological realm, plays a huge part in maintaining the earth’s carbon cycle, and therefore, the environmental stability of the world, and is still one of the primary foci of the world’s scientific community. Follow this link to learn more: http://gowood.blogspot.com/2012/02/wood-science-1013-lignin.html