This research focuses on developing a methodology and process to gasify a unique waste stream composed of salmon fishery wastes and small diameter alder, by taking a low-cost practical approach to create a system that could be locally sustainable and support existing infrastructure and heating needs. Follow this link to learn more:
Category: General
Global Food: Waste not, want not
Where does waste occur in agriculture? Potential feedstocks can come from waste streams. Follow this link to learn more:
Biofuels for Transport in Europe: Lessons from Germany and the UK
This paper describes, compares, and analyses the markets for biofuels in Germany and the UK. Follow this link to learn more:
Oil Refining
How is oil refined? This animated explanation clears up the science behind the refinery process. Follow this link to learn more:
EIA Countries
Data and reports on the global oil production and consumption, broken down by country. Follow this link to learn more:
Kids’ Tech University
Kids’ Tech University is a program at Virginia Tech with one primary goal: creating the future workforce in science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) by sparking kids’ interest in these fields. Follow this link to learn more:
Report on Petroleum Products Markets in the Northeast
This report examines how and from where petroleum products are transported into the Northeastern US states, how gasoline and home heating oil ultimately make their way to consumers, and how ownership and control of various elements of the supply chains are structured. Follow this link to learn more:
Statistical Review of World Energy 2013
The statistical review of world energy is a look at the past, present, and future of global energy production, consumption, and conservation Follow this link to learn more:
Elucidating and Reprogramming Escherichia coli Metabolisms for Obligate Anaerobic n-butanol and Isobutanol Production
Elementary mode (EM) analysis based on the constraint-based metabolic network modeling was applied to elucidate and compare complex fermentative metabolisms of Escherichia coli for obligate anaerobic production of n-butanol and isobutanol. Follow this link to learn more:
Agriculture-Based Biofuels: Overview and Emerging Issues
What are the issues surrounding the US biofuels industry? Find out about taxes, tariffs, incentives, and regulations on biofuels that the US government has enacted. Follow this link to learn more: